Our Sewer Connection Process
Supporting You With Your Sewer Connections
Our dedication to providing a comprehensive public sewer connection includes the installation of sewer connections for both foul sewers and surface sewers no matter how deep the public sewer, we carry out connections through open cut trenching and timber heading tunnelling methods.
We specialise in providing a turnkey service, from free of charge early contractor involvement, advising on the best connection method, and the best time during development to carry out the connection, as well as taking care of all matters of legislation including.
Section 106 applications. (Sewer provider permission to connect to the public sewer)
Section 50 applications. Highways permission to place new apparatus in the highway (installing lateral pipes from the development boundary to public sewer in the highway)
Step 1 - Sewer Provider Asset Search
Carry out sewer provider asset search, this will show the location of the public sewers within the vicinity of your development, in most cases it will show the public sewer pipe size, depth and direction of flow with manhole locations.
Step 2 - Development Drainage Drawing
Your architect should have produced an onsite drainage drawing, this will show the development drainage leaving the property boundary, if not we can produce a drawing for submission with application.
Step 3 - Section 106 Application
On completion of steps 1 & 2, Complete the sewer providers application process to connect to the public sewer, we can provide you with the best form of connection to put on the application.
Step 4 - Contractor Quotation
On completion of steps 1, 2, & 3, Your now ready to request contractor quotations, we advise you to obtain at least two quotations, Premier Drainage Solutions will provide you with a fully detailed itemised bill of quantities providing you with peace of mind that there are no hidden extras.
Step 5 - Appoint Contractor
Appoint your contractor, please ensure your contractor can carry out Section 50 licencing on your behalf.
Step 6 - Section 50 Approval
Your appointed contractor will produce traffic management TM drawings and carry out Line Search (contacting all utilities who may have assets where they are going to excavate) this is compulsory with the presiding highway authority to issue a street works permit, on completion of the TM drawings and line search complete and submit the section 50 application for the programmed dates.
4-6 weeks in normal chases
12 weeks for road closers
Step 7 - Communication
Communication to residents and businesses via a letter drop will take place explaining when and where work will commence, who we are, and contact details most important taking all problems or questions away from our clients.
Step 8 - Completion Certificate
During the installation process your contractor should be liaising with the sewer providers engineer and providing documented evidence of the connection compliant with sewers for adoption 7th edition, the sewer provider will then issue a completion certificate and adopt the lateral connection to the boundary.
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Find us
P4 Allen House Business Centre The Maltings, Station Road Sawbridgeworth Herts CM21 9JX
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